Hi! I'm Neil ~

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.S Agricultural and Biological Engineering | Minor of Computer Science | Dec 2022

A year into my degree, I decided to explore the computational specialization, where I discovered that I enjoyed programming and design. I self-taught myself basic machine vision during an internship with the USGS, which catalyzed my journey into software development. I'm now finishing up my education, interning and looking for future opportunities.

Current Coursework & Projects

BioinformaticsData Science for ABEHeat and Transport Processes

Past Coursework

Data StructuresSystems ProgrammingDatabase Systems

Work Experience

Software Engineering Intern | Optum - UnitedHealthGroup

June 2021 - August 2021 and June 2022 - Current

Worked in a team of interns to develop a functioning prototype of a new code sharing platform for Optum developers. We built off of a foundation our mentors had started and pitched the platform to buisness executives, including the Chief Innovation Officer. The website was built entirely in ReactJS with an Azure Cosmo backend. I was in charge of a page allowing logged-in users to mark the shared software they had downloaded and keep track of versions.

Software Engineering Intern | United States Geological Survey

October 2020 - January 2021

A contractor position where I taught myself machine learning principles and applied them to a machine vision project. My partner and I developed a program that identified the type, transit time and direction of ships passing through a outlet in Lake Michigan. We customized a neural network from Keras to perform the identification. Thissparked my interest in developing software to solve problems, and led me to add computer science to my education.


Github Repository Link

My favorite programming assignment! Originally assigned in Systems Programming, it involves implementing memory allocation in C. It was a challenging, yet fun experience in lower-level programming. The code itself is simple, involving only a doubly linked list, so the challenge was about managing the list correctly and efficiently. The ReadMe file in the repository gives an overview of the major functions and what they do.

Made in React using Chakra-UI components :)

Contact: neilpatel1100@gmail.com
